Nikoloudakis Large


Emmanouil Nikoloudakis, Lecturer

Mathematical Economics  (Φ.Ε.Κ 1406-30/12/2016 τ.Γ)

      Efstathiou-Stamatikis Valioti Ave. & Plateon Str., Sparta, 23100
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Tuesday: 09.30–11.30 am or whenever after appointment


Brief CV
  • Ph.D. in Didactics of Mathematics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • M.Ed in Teaching and Methodology of Mathematics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • MSc in Technology Education and Digital Systems with specialization in E-Learning Systems, University of Piraeus
  • BSc in Mathematics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Modules Taught
  • Mathematical Economics Ι
  • Mathematical Economics ΙΙ
  • Informatics
Research Interests
  • Didactics of Mathematics.
  • Mathematical Economics.
  • Economics Education and Computer Supported Collaboration Systems.
  • ICT in Mathematics Education.
  • Theory of Probability & Statistics.
  • Linear Algebra.
  • Group Theory.
  • Teaching Methods of Geometry.
Selected Publications
  1. Choustoulakis, E., Nikoloudakis, E. (2019). University Teachers Perceptions Towards the Adoption and Use of Educational Technologies in their Instruction: a Research Perspective, Proceedings of INTED2019 (13th Annual International Technology, Education, and Development Conference), Valencia, Spain: IATED.
  2. Nikoloudakis, E., Choustoulakis, E. (2019). Investigating First-Year University Students Difficulties in Understanding Core Mathematical and Economical Notions, Proceedings of INTED 2019 (13th Annual International Technology, Education, and Development Conference), Valencia, Spain: IATED.
  3. Νικολουδάκης, Ε., Χουστουλάκης, Ε. & Νικολουδάκης, Δ. (2015). Παρατηρήσεις επί της διδασκαλίας με το Δομημένης Μορφής Φύλλο Εργασίας των επιμορφούμενων καθηγητών των μαθηματικών. Πρακτικά 32ου Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου Μαθηματικής Παιδείας της Ελληνικής Μαθηματικής Εταιρείας (ΕΜΕ), Καστοριά 30 Οκτωβρίου - 1 Νοεμβρίου 2015.
  4. Νικολουδάκης, Ε., Χουστουλάκης, Ε., (2014). Διερευνητική Προσέγγιση Παραγόντων που Επηρεάζουν την Απόφαση των Υποψηφίων για την Επιλογή ενός Πανεπιστημιακού Τμήματος. Η περίπτωση ΤΟΔΑ. Πρακτικά 31ου Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου Μαθηματικής Παιδείας της Ελληνικής Μαθηματικής Εταιρείας (ΕΜΕ), Αθήνα.
  5. Νικολουδάκης, Ε. (2013). Ερμηνεία της δυσκολίας των μαθητών του γυμνασίου στην αποδεικτική διαδικασία προτάσεων της Ευκλείδειας Γεωμετρίας βασισμένη στα επίπεδα γεωμετρικής σκέψης του van Hiele. Μια πρόταση υπέρβασης των δυσκολιών. Πρακτικά 30ου Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου Μαθηματικής Παιδείας της Ελληνικής Μαθηματικής Εταιρείας (ΕΜΕ), Αθήνα.
  6. Nikoloudakis, E. & Choustoulakis, E. (2011). A strategy to improve novice students’ proof competence, In Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME35), 425, Ankara, Turkey.
  7. Nikoloudakis, E. (2011). Helping students of primary and secondary school to make invisible thoughts visible in Euclidean geometry. Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica (Matematica), n. 21, 3- 18.
  8. Choustoulakis, E. & Nikoloudakis, E. (2011). Applying ARCS Model to Assess the Motivational Characteristics of a Web-based Course in Economic Education in Greece. In Proceedings of Global Time 2011, 183-188, Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
  9. Choustoulakis, E. & Nikoloudakis, E. (2011). Evaluating the Motivational Aspects of a Web-based Learning Environment for the Teaching of Middle School Geometry, In Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011, 803-808, Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
  10. Nikoloudakis, E. (2009/2010). A Proposed Model to Teach Geometry to First-Year Senior High School Students, International Journal for Μathematics Education (HMS i JME), Vol. 2, 17–45.
  11. Dimakos, G. & Nikoloudakis, E. (2009). Analyzing the role of Shapes in the Process of Writing Proofs in Model of p-m Combinations. The Teaching οf Mathematics,
  12. Dimakos, G. & Nikoloudakis, E. (2008). Teaching Euclidean Geometry using a synthesis by two well known theories: van Hiele’s theory and Cognitive Apprenticeship, Far East Journal of Mathematical Education, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 187–217.
  13. Dimakos, G., Nikoloudakis, E., Ferentinos, S. & Choustoulakis, E. (2007) Developing a Proof-Writing Tool for Novice lyceum Geometry Students, The Teaching οf Mathematics, Vol. X, 2, 87–106.